Mexican-American Bar Association of Houston

Many years ago, a small group of Mexican-American attorneys and law students would meet informally to discuss issues unique to the Spanish-speaking attorney. More and more often, the purpose of these meetings was to discuss legal remedies to the many injustices and concerns of the Hispanic community in Houston, and throughout Texas. One April evening in 1972, a formal meeting was held to organize an association long overdue: THE MEXICAN AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION OF HOUSTON.
General Meetings. MABAH hosts a monthly meeting on the 2nd Monday of every month, except December The meeting is preceded by a free one hour CLE. These meetings include activity updates, introductions of new attorneys, judges, and law students, community leaders and activists, and vendors who support the legal community.
Law School Liaison. A mentorship and scholarship program where MABAH members provide networking and mentorship support to students attending the three Houston area law schools. This is a particularly important relationship, because MABAH awards three $1,500 scholarship to each of the three Houston area law schools, annually. The golf tournament and fall gala profits support these law student scholarships.
Judicial Screening and Endorsement Committee. An important informational program and service to the community where MABAH provides all judicial candidates in contested races with the opportunity to interview with a screening committee comprised of MABAH members and attend a meet and greet with MABAH members regarding their candidacy. MABAH then publishes a final endorsement list of candidates.
Continuing Legal Education. MABAH monthly meetings begin with a free one hour CLE. This typically equates to ten CLE hours. Then an All Day CLE is presented for approximately six CLE hours, free to MABAH members. The All Day CLE is open to the public at a cost for administrative expenses. This All Day CLE is typically held in September to coincide with Hispanic Heritage Month.
Consejos Legales. A program where MABAH members provide free legal support to the Spanish-speaking community monthly, the first Thursday of each month in conjunction with the Houston Bar Association.
Leadership for Tomorrow. An educational and leadership program where MABAH members mentor students in middle and senior high schools in the community.
Civil Rights Committee. MABAH members actively involved in legal, political, educational, and social activities affecting the Hispanic community. This occurs as an issue arises.
Holiday Party. This event is held with our sister organization HisBA in December and gathers our members, our sponsors and their guests for a festive networking event that brings in the holiday cheer for all.