Mexican-American Bar Association of Houston

MABAH was founded in 1972 to serve the Hispanic attorney and most importantly the Hispanic community. It is one of the largest Hispanic legal organizations in the State of Texas, comprised of a diversity of talent, expertise and leadership. MABAH is proud of the diverse background of its members, including Puerto Rican, Argentinean, Mexican, Cuban, Guatemalan, Mexican-American and non-Hispanic. It is truly representative of the Hispanic Community of Metropolitan Houston. Due to longstanding tradition, its members have chosen to keep the name as the Mexican American Bar Association of Houston. Membership is open to licensed attorneys, members of the judiciary, graduates of an accredited law school, or students enrolled in an accredited law school.
to maintain and elevate standards of professional conduct;
to increase professional skills through Continuing Legal Education (State Bar MCLE accredited);
to improve the opportunities for, and promote recognition of the capabilities of Hispanic attorneys;
to encourage its members to participate in pro-bono legal services;
to speak on behalf of the Hispanic community on legal issues affecting the community; and
to promote a better understanding of the legal profession to the Hispanic community and the general public.